Measuring Weight - Heavier or Lighter and ordering
Children have to circle the object which is heaviest or lightest on balance scales.
Children then have to order objects from lightest to heaviest.
Differentiated, editable worksheet (2-sided).
Minibeast Comic Strip Template - Transferring Speech into Speech Bubbles
This comic strip template helps children develop their understanding of speech in speech bubbles. Could be adapted for any topic or age group.
All About Me Worksheets
Completely Editable - Microsoft Word and PDF copy both included
Includes a cover page to make these worksheets into a booklet.
10 worksheets included
All About Me
My family
My home
My pet
My birthday (age)
My birthday (month I was born)
My school
My favourite foods
My favourite toy
My favourite colour
Perfect for EYFS theme or beginning of the year booklet for any age, helping a teacher get to know their class better.
Harry Potter Unit of Work used in a Primary 7 class in Northern Ireland (Year 6 England). The Unit of Work contains 40 lessons including literacy, numeracy, science, history, physical education, art, music, PDMU (PSHE) and RE. Learning intentions, an outline of the activities (introduction, main activitiy and plenary), resources needed and opportunities for assessment are included for each lesson which is outlined. Detailed broad learning outcomes, links with the curriculum (NI), cross curricular links, key vocabulary and TSPCs are also included at the beginning of the document. The document totals 18 pages of detailed planning.